- Setting money as the primary goal. Money can’t be the goal, it has to be a means to an end.
- Wanting to make lots of money. Every wish is a signal sent to the universe, and the universe helps to make it come true. The most important thing is to be ready for those wishes, otherwise, you’ll have problems. Wanting to have loads of money will simply suppress the channels of money on the subtle level and you won’t have them, because the universe will be giving you what you want, but your money channels will be too narrow. Want as much money as you’re ready to receive. The money channels are widening, when there is a purposeful improvement.
- Many plans, many dreams. Planning too much puts the energy into the future and there’s much less of it left in the present. Without enough energy in the present, there won’t be a good present. Thus, keep only those plans that you’re making happen now. In this way, energy will be purposefully directed where it needs to be and both the improvement, as well as the creation, will be happening much faster. Cancel out dreams, they’re only a waste of time. Instead, choose goals that you feel you can achieve, and go towards achieving them every day.
- Putting up a purpose to be better than someone else or the best in your area. This goal is also wrong because part of its energy is used in the wrong way. The energy that has to be used for expanding one’s business is used for competing, and competing is fighting. He who fights loses. The one, who wins is the undamaged one. A great example for that is Switzerland that, having avoided the wars, has a good and stable economy.
Also, if you’re not capable of beating your opponent, then on the subtle level it’s like you’re banging your head against a brick wall, which requires a lot of energy, and, sooner or later, it will be felt in the physical body as an illness. The best call is to concentrate all the energy on yourself, on your business, and just do the best you can do in it, every day, without hurting others. - The goal of attracting customers. That is an incorrect goal, because attracting people requires a lot of energy and the universal law of free will, is violated. Your attraction energy will often attract also those people who simply don’t need the product or service, and, having bought it, they will be negative. The negativity of unhappy people will make your business more hard, and even if the sold product will look like increased profits, the business will eventually get stuck.
A positive goal is giving a product that you really feel to be valuable, and a wish for as many people, who need it, to see it. In this way, the energy on the subtle level will be focused on visibility, not on attracting others. By seeing your good product or service on the subtle or on the physical level, people will come and buy it by themselves, and you’ll have much more energy for expanding your business. Don’t want random customers. Want only those customers who really need your product. - Following the mind and examples, not the heart. Our mind chooses options, but out of all these options, we must choose the best and the most suitable one with our hearts. Let me give you a simple example of how a mind-based decision brings failure: a man decides to grow oats, without looking at any statistics, but simply feeling that this is what he wants to do. The oats are sold for a good price and he makes a nice profit. Next year a bunch of farmers, by following his example start growing oats. Its consequence is an overabundance of this production in the market, and thus they’re bought for very little. Therefore, you must try to feel with your heart whether a certain activity is for you or not. Is it still attractive to you without the numbers and the logic? By following their hearts, the farmers would definitely have made bigger profits. This feeling from your heart must be used in all final decisions. Learn how to use your sixth sense.
- Discomfort and fear, when receiving money. This blockage is often present in the people who have recently started their business. But if you’re afraid to take the true amount of money your service is worth, it means you’re depreciating your business and yourself. By devaluing your service, you unconsciously show the client that you’re not good at what you do. WHY SHOULD A CLIENT BUY YOUR PRODUCT IF YOU’RE NO GOOD? And that’s exactly the energy you’re emanating when you’re depreciating yourself. It’s necessary to take as much money as you feel your product or service is worth – that’s the best tool for correct cooperation. If there’s no exchange and reciprocity, you’ll most likely exhaust yourself or put up a blockage on your own improvement. I’ll share an example from my own life. The first year when I started working with people I would do it for free. I did it because of the idea of helping the world and making it as good as possible. As a consequence, there were people whom I used to work with who would almost always be the same. They became passive and unreceptive to learning. When I started taking money for my help, the amount of people tripled, and only a part of the old ones remained.
- Holding onto clients and trying to get them attached. Your focus should be on yourself and on improving your business, not on getting your clients attached to you. Clients need to move freely and change. Don’t be afraid to let old clients go, because not letting them go intervenes with the path for new ones to come. The client will be feeling restricted, he or she will really want to leave and be free, the consequence of which might be him not buying your product. A fear to lose a client is already a restriction on the subtle level.
- Exploitation of employees. Exploitation is nothing but a short-term illusory gain. If an employee is being exploited, it means his energy is being drained and his potential decreases. Without energy, the person becomes unhappy and negative, which will, without a doubt make your business more difficult. A good employer should try to see from the employee’s perspective to better understand the collective and to turn exploitation into cooperation. A successful collective is a happy, beaming and improving collective. Don’t save money on good employees. Feel with your heart how much they’re really worth, and share honestly, if you really want to have a good team.
- Selling your client a bad product. A business person who does that isn’t going to be in business for a long time, because long-term success requires trust. Sell only the product that you really think is great, then it will be charged with positive energy.
Loving your job or business is already 50% of the success. Not loving your job is a sign that you need to change it.