This website is a step toward a broader understanding of life and of the world. It is about a type of understanding that is almost completely not discussed in science. However, it has been shared and interpreted in different ways in many spiritual practices.
In this website you’ll find knowledge that I acquired with the help of my inner seeing (clairvoyance), which I use daily in helping people achieve their goals and solve their problems.
My goal is to help you merge the spiritual and the material worlds. When you do that inside, you become conscious and you’re making your community more conscious as well. Then you understand the laws of the Universe and move in accordance with them.
Being conscious is impossible without inner seeing because you need to know the subtle levels in order to fix them, thus changing your physical life as well.
I am writing on this website so that you’d would learn the theory of working on yourself. And when you know the theory, I’ll gladly help you to learn how to apply all of it (and more) in practice – in pursuing your goals and eliminating your problems.
There are plenty of people who believe in God or in the subtle, spiritual realms. Inner seeing gets a believer to become a knower.
– Rokas Jarašius